AssetSprout Blog

The Benefits of Outsourcing Asset Management: Pros and Cons

Written by Team | Oct 16, 2023 3:13:00 PM
In today's fast-paced business landscape, strategic resource allocation and operational efficiency are vital components that can make or break an organization's success. 
One crucial aspect of this strategic equation is efficient asset management. It involves the systematic tracking, monitoring, maintaining, and optimizing of a company's assets to ensure they deliver maximum value throughout their lifecycle. 
Companies often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to managing their assets — whether to handle it internally or to consider outsourcing this responsibility to specialized asset management firms.
Outsourcing asset management involves partnering with specialized external service providers to handle various asset-related functions. These can include asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, risk assessment, and strategic planning. 
In this article, we will delve into the advantages and drawbacks of outsourcing asset management, providing insights to help businesses decide whether this approach aligns with their strategic goals and operational requirements.

Pros of Outsourcing Asset Management

Outsourcing asset management, particularly through Turnkey Asset Management Programs (TAMPs), offers numerous advantages that can positively impact an organization's overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Expertise and Experience

TAMPs provide access to a pool of experienced and specialized professionals dedicated to managing various aspects of asset portfolios. These professionals have expertise in different financial domains, from investment strategies to risk assessment. 
Leveraging their knowledge ensures that your assets are managed with a high level of proficiency and according to your specific objectives.


Utilizing a TAMP can be cost-effective compared to managing assets in-house. The shared cost structure of a TAMP allows for cost savings as it spreads across multiple clients. 
Additionally, TAMPs often offer scalability, accommodating various portfolio sizes. This scalability enables smaller firms or those with limited resources to access the same level of asset management expertise as larger organizations.

Focus on Core Activities

Outsourcing asset management enables organizations to redirect their internal resources and focus on their core competencies. Asset management involves intricate tasks that demand time and attention. 
By entrusting these responsibilities to a specialized external partner, businesses free up valuable internal resources to concentrate on activities directly related to their primary business objectives. 
This shift in focus can lead to increased productivity, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Access to Advanced Technology

Asset management firms often utilize sophisticated software and technology dedicated to efficient asset tracking, monitoring, and reporting. Outsourcing allows businesses to access these advanced technologies without investing in them directly. 
This access provides real-time visibility into asset performance, condition, and other crucial data. Leveraging cutting-edge technology can lead to better decision-making, streamlined processes, and improved overall asset performance.

Enhanced Risk Management

TAMPs employ professionals who are well-versed in risk assessment and management. By outsourcing asset management to TAMPs, organizations can tap into their expertise to develop and implement robust risk management strategies. 
This proactive approach helps mitigate risks effectively, aligning asset management with the organization's risk tolerance and overall goals.

Cons of Outsourcing Asset Management

While outsourcing asset management offers several advantages, it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks:

Loss of Control

One of the primary concerns when outsourcing asset management is the loss of control over your assets. When you entrust a third-party firm with managing your assets, you may have limited direct influence on day-to-day decisions. 
This can be especially challenging if your organization has specific asset management strategies or unique preferences that are central to your business operations. 
It's crucial to establish clear communication and expectations with the outsourcing partner to strike the right balance between control and expertise.

Confidentiality and Security Risks

Sharing sensitive financial and asset-related information with an external firm introduces confidentiality and security risks. 
While reputable asset management firms have robust security measures in place, there's always a potential for data breaches or unauthorized access. To mitigate these risks, it's essential to conduct due diligence when selecting an outsourcing partner and ensure they have adequate data protection protocols in place.

Cost Considerations

While cost-efficiency is a benefit, the cost structure of outsourcing should be evaluated carefully. Some asset management firms charge fees based on assets under management (AUM), which can result in ongoing expenses. 
Additionally, there may be hidden fees or charges for specific services. Organizations need to assess whether the potential cost savings outweigh the fees associated with outsourcing.

Alignment of Interests

Another challenge can be ensuring that the interests of the outsourcing firm align with those of your organization. TAMPs often have affiliations with specific investment products or fund families. This could potentially introduce a conflict of interest where the TAMP might prioritize these affiliated products, even if they're not the best fit for the client's portfolio. 
It's crucial to thoroughly assess the TAMP's approach to product selection and potential conflicts to ensure unbiased advice.

Transitioning Challenges

Transitioning from in-house asset management to outsourcing can be complex and time-consuming. It involves transferring assets, data, and responsibilities to the external firm. Ensuring a seamless transition while minimizing disruptions to ongoing operations requires careful planning and execution.

Regulatory and Compliance Risks

Compliance with industry regulations is critical in asset management. When outsourcing, your organization remains ultimately responsible for regulatory compliance. 
If the outsourcing partner fails to meet compliance requirements, it can lead to legal and reputational risks for your organization. It's crucial to select an outsourcing partner with a strong track record of compliance and regulatory adherence.

How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner?

Selecting the right outsourcing partner demands a rigorous and well-structured approach to ensure a successful collaboration that adds value to your asset management operations. 
It's about finding a partner whose strengths complement your organization's requirements, setting the stage for a mutually beneficial and productive relationship.

Assess Needs and Goals

Understanding your organization's specific needs and objectives is the initial step in selecting an outsourcing partner. Consider the following aspects during this assessment:
  • Scope of Services Needed: Define the precise services you intend to outsource. This could range from comprehensive asset management to specific functions like portfolio analysis or client reporting.

  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Ensure the outsourcing partner complies with all the necessary regulatory standards relevant to your geographic location. Compliance is critical, especially in the finance industry.

  • Technology Requirements: Evaluate the technology infrastructure your organization utilizes and ensure compatibility and integration capabilities with the outsourcing partner's systems.

  • Scalability: Assess the scalability of the outsourcing partner's services to align with your business growth. The partner should be able to accommodate increasing demands effectively.

Research and Due Diligence

Research and due diligence are paramount in selecting the right outsourcing partner. Here's a structured approach to this crucial process:
  • Identify Potential Partners: Research and create a list of potential outsourcing partners. Consider recommendations, industry reputation, and specialized expertise.

  • Evaluate Track Record: Review the partner's track record, including client testimonials and case studies. Assess their performance in terms of returns, risk management, and client satisfaction.

  • Financial Stability: Ensure the financial stability and reliability of the potential partner. Analyze their financial statements, stability, and history in the industry.

  • Cost Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis. Consider the fees, charges, and overall cost structure. Evaluate if the potential partner provides value for the services offered.

  • Legal and Compliance Checks: Verify the legal standing and compliance history of the potential partner. Ensure they have a clean record and adhere to all regulatory requirements.

  • Visit Facilities or Conduct Virtual Tours: Whenever possible, physically visit the partner's facilities or conduct virtual tours to understand their operations, infrastructure, and the team's capabilities.

  • Negotiate Terms and Contractual Agreements: Once you've narrowed down the options, engage in thorough negotiations to ensure the contractual terms align with your expectations and organizational needs.

  • Pilot Phase or Trial Period: Consider starting with a small-scale project or a trial period to evaluate the partner's performance before committing to a long-term agreement.

The Bottomline

The decision to outsource asset management is contingent upon the unique circumstances, goals, and risk appetite of an organization. A careful examination of the potential benefits and downsides is crucial in guiding this strategic choice.
Ultimately, it's about aligning outsourcing decisions with organizational objectives to achieve optimal efficiency, growth, and value in an ever-evolving financial landscape.