AssetSprout Blog

Ditch the Data Entry: How CRM Integration Streamlines Your Workflow

Written by Team | May 7, 2024 2:36:57 PM
Tired of spending endless hours copying and pasting client data between your CRM and billing software? 
AssetSprout's CRM integration with platforms like Wealthbox or Redtail automates this process, streamlining your workflow and saving you valuable time. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to seamless information flow!

Introducing Seamless Integration with Wealthbox and Redtail

Picture this: You're eager to begin with a new client, but instead, you're stuck in paperwork purgatory. You enter their contact details into your billing and reporting software, then repeat the process in your CRM. It's tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone—a headache waiting to happen.
Thankfully, those days are over! AssetSprout now integrates seamlessly with both Wealthbox and Redtail. This means no more manually entering the same information over and over. 
Instead, AssetSprout automatically talks to your CRM, pulling in all the important client details you need.
Here's how this can make your life as a financial advisor a whole lot easier:
  • Onboarding New Clients in a Flash: Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork. When a new client signs on, their information from your CRM automatically populates AssetSprout. No more wasting time re-entering everything – you can get started building their financial plan right away.

  • Effortless Invoicing: Stop scrambling to remember invoice details. With CRM integration, client information from Wealthbox or Redtail automatically flows into your invoices in AssetSprout. This means faster invoicing and fewer errors.

  • Focus on What Matters: By automating all this data entry, you'll free up a ton of valuable time. No more getting stuck with tedious tasks. Instead, you can focus on what you do best – providing exceptional service and building strong relationships with your clients. 

  • Customization Power: AssetSprout's integration isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. You can choose exactly which data points transfer between Wealthbox/Redtail and AssetSprout. This way, only the information you need gets synced, keeping things clean and organized.

  • Always Up-to-Date: Thanks to real-time data sync, any changes you make in your CRM automatically update in AssetSprout. No more scrambling to ensure both platforms reflect the latest client details. It's like magic (but way less messy)!

Now, are you ready to streamline your workflow with AssetSprout? Here’s how we can help:
  • Start Your Free Trial: Experience the power of AssetSprout's CRM integration firsthand with a no-obligation free trial. See how it can save you time and boost your efficiency.

  • Schedule a Demo: Want a personalized walkthrough? Sign up for a free demo and get all your questions answered by an AssetSprout expert.